Tuesday, January 1, 2008


i found my phone

i was quick to blame the cars

i tried on a pair of pants that i got for christmas and must have slipped my phone in my pocket.
of course i didn't really remember trying a pair of pants on.
so a few days later i put the pair on to wear them and i'm like, what the hell is in my pocket
and out it comes.

I'm listening to the new blonde redhead album and eating this MN wild rice cake and both are very good. check it out.

I am leaving in a few days.
I always get like this when i am close to leaving
I cant focus on reading,
my head is just flying around having its way with whatever it wants.
no control
I'm too excited.

Oh today's the first of 2008!!

time flies by so fast,
it really makes me realize that you have to be choosey with your life. Mine has already started to fly by too fast
i have so many things that i need to get done.

Last night i worked and it was a very good night. I think the best night i have ever had at the LPB. I was determined to sell a bottle of Dom Perignon. Well that didn't happen, but i did sell a bottle of Veu Telegraff that we sell for $75. And it wasn't even that he just ordered it; I SOLD HIM.

It really is a very nice bottle especially for the price, usually it goes for over $100.

umm...what else


my head is loving this
it thrives on the fact that it doesn't know what to expect
there could be so much and will be so much that happens that is so unexpected
i cannot hold back the smiles or the tears in this state
its explosive
its preparing itself for the element of surprise that it has planned.
good job head
way to think it out
is that some sort of game
if it is i don't care because it's great
i don't know where that comes from but its done
i want more though
I'll plan more
I'll go more
I'll be more

keep going head
never quit

tell me where you've seen my life

clashing lies and clashing thighs

one of those must be adjusted
i'll give you a hint
not the clashing thighs


Do people totally never get what i write about?
i can't tell

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