Tuesday, October 14, 2008

The Jungle is Hot!!

once again i dont have enough time to write about this, I got picked up by our guides for the jungle trip 4 days ago. We took a van for quite a ways and then a motorized canoe up the river a ways. Both vessels were quite sketchy. Every once in a while we had to stop to tighten the wheel nuts on because they weren´t staying tight for some reason. We also crossed a small river in the van. It was really fun. i was soo excited. The roads through the Andes mountains are not good. Gravel roads only big enough for 1 van. We had to stop every time another car came.
I got to see 3 different types of monkey, tons of medicinal plants, over 50 different types of moth\butterfly. tons of insects, spiders. We went white water rafting as well and on a zipline through the canopy of the rainforest.
Also-this is a longer story-i spent the night with some type of Jungle rat that we could not identify. He slept in my room with me. hehe.
All very fun and amazing, exacally what i was looking for. and safe too-
The jungle is soo cool and i wish i could have stayed longer and gone in deeper. I also got lucky because the people in my group were really cool. I had 4 people from switzerland, 2 from Holland and 2 from Russia. We had a great time together.
I am going to Puno next and then to La Paz Bolivia.
Sorry i cant write more or put up more information but there is a 15 min limit on the computers at the hostals.
ok by for now


Jake Ladd said...

Baker you are crazy, and I love you!

Leah said...

I'm glad you made a friend to share a room with...rat and all.

We miss you and hope you can get some pics up soon. Glad you are meeting people who you have had fun with, too. Have a good time in Bolivia!

Love you.

Leah (and Jason)