Thursday, May 10, 2007

Canada doesn't like my kind

I took a bus from Seattle to Vancouver today. When we stopped at the border to go through immigration i was thinking, in and out no big deal. So i pull up to the counter and dude asks me for passport and how long i am staying. I say two days
he says step over here.
I then get searched. Asked tons of questions. The guy goes through every card in my wallet asking about them all. Searches my bag - which had nothing in it because i was only going for 2 days. I brought (this is my favorite) my camera, some sandwiches a banana, my journal and my book.
This is what i don't get my friend, you are traveling all this way for only two days?
Um.. i don't really know what to tell you, i am going to visit Vancouver
Vancouver's a big city, what are you going to see?
Ahhh. i dunno the park, the aquarium, the city.
Have you ever been to Canada?
No, Never, this is my first time.
Do you know anyone in Vancouver.
I don't know a single person in British Columbia.
How did you hear about Vancouver.
(me rolling my eyes) You are asking me how i heard about the city of Vancouver?
(pause)Ummm.. i dunno, shit a map? (what kind of f*cking question is that?!?!)

I then have to tell them my whole story about moving to AK and all that, they want documented proof that i am taking a job in AK. I finally after an hour of being searched and questioned convince them to let me in the their damn country. The bus was held up and everything.

Anyways, i am here, I like Vancouver alot, I think more than Seattle. I am staying downtown at a hostel and tomorrow am gonna bum around the city.

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