Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Good News for People who Love Good News: I Live In the Woods

I am proud to say that i live in the rainforest. Ha Ha. i love every second of it. Its awsome, a temprate rainforest, that is. In Juneau, Alaska. I built a little floor with some pallates i was able to get for free : ) The floor is slanted still so it needs some work, and i had a tent sent out here and set it up on the palates on the side of a mountain in this little campsite. The tent is a two man and is definately small, but i am not going to be in it much...Its so cool. I need to get another tarp and i am gonna build a roof/lean-to and set up some chairs and make a living room with some shelves too hopefully. If anyone wants to fly out for my house warming party let me know. your all invited. This campground is great, but it definately didnt start so great. I had an interesting situation that involved 2 drunk people and me trying to calm them down and convince them that im not such a bad guy and didnt steal anything from them. They were seriously pissed and threatening. I can tell that whole story later over cocktails. Its gotten better since then, its kind of a community campground that people live at. Some people built serious stuff, like an actual small house. I am trying to get people together for a community meal or something. It has a really nice stream going right through it coming off the mountain, its nice clean cold water. Its close to my site too so i sleep and wake up to a running stream. And i dumpstered some buckets so anytime i need water to wash clothes or what-ev and can get water from there. Next time i bathe i think i am gonna head up the mountain a bit find a nice area of the creek, strip down and wash up. He He. I will post some pics of my new house soon.

Tomorrow is my first day off since i arrived, I am headed to
  • mendenhall glacier
  • tomorrow where there are ice caves to explore. I am so excited. Also i am told you can take some ice that has already fallen off and bring it home and pour your whiskey over it AND IT DOESN'T MELT. I have been told you can drink a whole bottle of whiskey with the same two glasses of ice from the glacier. WOW, due to how condensed it is, how long its been ice and plain and simple its a glacier it takes really long to melt. Ha ha

    Beware, this next paragragh is me b*tching about the restaurant, feel free to skip, kind of funny though:
    Work is going well now, i am making good money, most of my hours are actually during the day which is awsome most of my coworkers are pretty lame but its all good. The restaurant is kind of wierd, the servers are terrible as well as the kitchen staff, ticket times are impossible to deal with and i have people from all over the world coming in sitting at my bar. There are quite a few people in the world that dont understand how american reataurants work. They walk in and seat themselves, and then come to the bar and try to get a drink and then find whatever table they think is nice as if this is a cafeteria or something. I actually said this to a guy today:

    He walks up to the bar after sitting at his table for 1 min (seated himself of course) and asks for a beer.

    Me: Sure i can get you a beer, are you sitting somewhere?

    Him: yea i'm at that table over there

    Me: Ok well there's actually a server that will come over and serve you, you know the whole restaurant thing.

    Your the customer and you sit there and someone serves you, right?

    I should be nicer but i was so frustrated
    I also had a guy that came to the bar and wanted to just taste the alaskan beer, for free, he just wanted a free taste of beer and didnt want to buy one. What?!?!?! are you insane, where do you come from?
    Also a guy that came to the bar sat down pulled out a sandwhich, started eating it and didnt order a thing. I 86 him after 2 bites.

    I have found some really cool pubs here. There is one called the alaskan that is my favorite, they have good live music all the time and people are always dancing and having a blast. Most of the bars here have a huge loud bell and the history behind them is back in the day fishermen would come in from sea and if they had a great catch and came in with tons of fish they would go right to the pub and ring the hell out of this bell and that meant he was buying everyone at the bar a round. Sometimes these bars are packed...now thats a bar tab. Last night someone rang the bell, he wasnt a fisherman, but the whiskey was flowing. I am gonna ring the bell before i leave, when i have a good night at work or something.

    The amount of sunlight here is crazy, the bars close at 3 and when i leave them my bike ride home is as the sun is half up. I woke up this morning at 3:45 because of the sunlight. wow

    Thats enough writing for now
    the weater has been perfect the last 5 days, sunshine and today it hit 70 degrees, I am told it it will hit 80 here.

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