Sunday, July 22, 2007

Dear Joel

Hi there,
this message is a bit random but definitely necessary. It consists of a story. Please do read the whole thing, its worth it
sorry its so long
ready set go:

My name is Brett Baker and i am from Minneapolis. I came to Juneau, AK for the summer for some good old adventure. I was having a shit time my first couple weeks here, it was very difficult for me emotionally i am in Juneau alone. Around the end of May on a Sat night i wasn't planning on going out but did anyway - to the Alaskan (my favorite bar) and you were playing. I had so much fucking fun dancing and listening to you play. That night was my turning point from having a shit time to having a great time. So the next day i started researching you and your music and how to get some. I of course learned that it was basically impossible to find your 78 Vinyl. I did look everywhere i could (ebay, craigslist, thrift store and record store in Juneau). So i had sort of given up...
A few weeks ago i was at work (bar tending) and i don't know how it came up but i started talking about you and your music and your shows (I attended your July 3rd show as well and had a blast of course) to a guy at the bar. A young guy named Jesse. I don't know anything else about this guy, he just left Juneau and said he's coming back next spring. He says to me that hes got one of your vinyls. I am, of course like NO WAY how did you get it. He told me it was given to him. I of course offer him a bunch of money for it and he says no (i don't blame him). I then ran in to him a few days later (thats how Juneau is) and he says he wants to give me your record. It was given to him and now he wants to give it to me.
Now i am holding your vinyl in my hands still in disbelief
I am going back to Minneapolis in a month
I promise i am going to bring your record back to Juneau someday and hand it down.
You have my word
I need to say thank you so much for your music
its helped me down my road, i am in your debt
Thank you so much. Let me know if i can return the favor in anyway - Seriously

This is a letter that i wrote to Wisconsin Slim today
i hope he reads it

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