Friday, October 17, 2008

La Paz, Bolivia


I'm in La Paz. This city is crazy and huge. Like really big, almost new york city like with less organization. I got stuck in Puno last night, i was hoping to get to Copacobana which is across the border to Bolivia but missed the bus. Crossing the border sucked, they dont like American in Bolivia and charged me 135 USD. Bullshit, thats robbery. The American government does it to them though. I had lunch in Copocobana today with a guy from New Zealand and a lady from England. It was beautiful out and we could see lake Titicaca. Also they were playing Bob Dylan. It was a great moment. My Tuna sandwich was about 1.80 USD

The bus rides sucked but i'm here now.

Few random things
i saw a lady with a pet monkey, the monkey had a shirt on and was sitting in her lap
I'm pretty sure in Peru they feel the cattle corn stalks. I saw a ton of cattle eating everything but the kernals of corn.
I think they need the corn for other things.
Bolivia is substantialy poorer than Peru. Bolivia is the only 3rd world country in South America. I can see the difference.
I'll get some more photos up soon.

Things are great still

I have met so many travelers and everyone is so nice. These are people that care about the world and people in it. They're hard working and openminded and understanding. Everyone i meet shares food with me and i with them. Even on the bus rides when they cant speak english. This Peruvian man shared his potatos and cheese with me. These situations do give me a little confidence in people.

Bolivia is really cheap.

ok gotta run. The hostal i am in has a microbrewery on site and we get a free beer everynight. and all you can eat pancakes in the morning.
The total cost for the room and all that is less than 8 dollars. Wow

1 comment:

Jake Ladd said...

Free beer and all you can eat pancakes! Wow, that sounds incredible.