Thursday, August 23, 2007


I got home yesterday...
Flight wents fine.
Its really crazy being home. Lots of culture shock. The traffic of the city is just tense and stressful. I dont like it.
I miss Juneau. I really do, everythings so much more relaxed.
It's great to see the people that i cherish in MPLS. You know who you are.
I just have alot to do in the next couple days.
Build a new bike
get ready for school
unpack - which i probably wont even do - my room will just stay empty and i will keep wearing the 5 shirts i have been wearing the last 3.5 months. he he
I don't like culture shock, i really dont like it.
Here you have to call people with a phone to see them and travel more than 10 blocks

My first night back was great though, I saw alot of good friends. I have been craving swimming in our Minnesota lakes and we were able to get out to hidden beach for a swim. Heck yea.
To my friends in Juneau i miss you dearly and will see you soon
This is not the end.
the end

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