Friday, December 7, 2007


I bought my tickets to California a few days ago. I am departing on the 6th of Jan and returning on the 31st. I am really excited to relax, surf, read and write. I will be staying with my friends Nick and Claire, and hanging out with my aunt Kyran, who i rarely get to see. We are hopefully going to see the Grand Canyon and camp out there for a bit. I wouldn't mind seeing Bryce Canyon and Zion national park while were out there, but it all depends on time. I am going to tear the roads of L.A. apart on my bike. He He. I hope to see San Fran as well but i don't think i will have enough time for all the stuff i want to do. Like usual. Anyways... It's really cold here. Like everyday is 10 degrees with a wind-chill that brings it down to -5. That makes it crazy cold. December hasn't been like this in years, and the snow has been crazy. Anyways, enough of being a Minnesotan and talking about the weather.
winter is good and bad, thats for sure

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