Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Now i have time to write

Umm.. well our plans are really getting tossed around out here. Originally we were going to pick up and go right when i got our here. Then Nick, being the successful photographer that he is, got a bunch of jobs and we are going to have to postpone it to the last week of Jan. But one of his jobs canceled for wed and the minute we heard that we started packing and an hour later we were out the door with camping gear, tons of food and everything else we would need. We went and picked up a rental car and were off to Sequoia National Park to see the biggest tree in the world - General Sherman. He is not the tallest but the biggest by volume.

General Sherman is over 2,200 years old and is as big as 10 blue whales. I want to give him a hug. This tree is taller than the statue of liberty.

The plan was to camp there for a night and then go on to Death Valley and then on to Joshua Tree national park and camp for another 2 or 3 days.

The bad news is that Nick's grandmother passed away. We got the call a few hours out of L.A. I feel so terrible for him. He seems to be doing okay but is really removed with his whole family being so far away.

We turned around and headed home.

Nick and Claire are headed to the east coast tomorrow to be with Nicks family for a few days and then will be back by the end of the weekend. Its really very unfortunate for everyone.

In the mean time i get to explore L.A. and all it has to offer. From what i've seen it will no doubt be interesting, but i am really wondering if i will be able to find a young down to earth community to chill in for a while. I have my doubts with all of the fashion bull shit/ hollywood stuff here. But L.A. is huge so i think i will find plenty.
I just have to make sure i down ride through Compton on accident.

I think i am going to go downtown and tear it apart on my bicycle for an afternoon. Show them how MPLS does it!!
By the way the Peugeot that i use to own, that i sold in alaska, i sold to Nick and it is here in L.A. so i am free to ride it. If you don't remember scroll down and there are photo's of it on this blog when i was in Seattle and Juneau.
I also want to visit the hollywood area and track down paris hilton, scare the shit out of her and her kind.

I am looking forward to a few days alone that i can relax, explore, read and write. We have been on the run since i got here.

When they get back Claire and I are probably going to do the same trip so i will be able to see all that good stuff. It just sucks because Nick wont be there with us.

I'm a bit bummed, its just very unfortunate.

we will make the best of life here and it will work out. It always does. - no matter what - it always works out - never forget that

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