Saturday, May 5, 2007


So the other day Dale and I are riding in his Jesus van on E 35th st going by the Chatterbox pub. As we are riding by i remembered that i left a vest there that i needed to pick up. So i tell Dale to pull over. As i am crossing the 4 way stop sign a buick skids right in front of the little chevy. Comes with in 1 foot of the car. He gets out and yells "what the fuck are you doing" at the lady in chevy. He opens her door and drags her out. He then pulls her dog out of her car and proceeds to kidnap her dog. Well she gets off the ground and runs to his car as hes getting in. She is trying to grab her dog and fight this guy at the same time, well he then peels out and she falls out of the car and is rolling through the street. Meanwhile her car is rolling backwards through the street because she didn't put it in park. This whole time she was screaming to me call 911 call the police. This lady had serious fear in her eyes. So when this is going on i grabbed the bartender and he chased the ladies car down, while i was on the phone with the cops and trying to help this lady of the pavement. WOW what a 5 minute trip. People are interesting.

Let me sum that up for you:
I saw a dog get kidnapped. What?
what evs


Leah said...

i am ready to here about alaska!

Unknown said...

quiet leah....i like the story man